This article on The Setup introduced me to the Cloak service. Looks like a good idea. I signed up and configured it on my MacBook Air, iPad and iPhone.
Apogee Duet 2
While listening to Seven Nation Army, I found an Amazon deal on a gently used Apogee Duet 2 for $475 (+$6 shipping) instead of $595. Deal! I bought it with about eight seconds of consideration. We’ll see how it goes. I’ve been obsessing over a DAC lately, going between some cheapie $24 FiiO D5 and a $250 tube job Maverick D2 and some things in between.
If this sounds great, I’ll sell my Maverick A1 amp on I really want something that helps my Beyerdynamic DT880 headphones be the best they can be.
31 August 2012 Update: I sold my Apogee Duet on Amazon just now, for $480 + $5.99 shipping. To be sure, it is a thing of beauty. But I don’t use it enough. I’ll just get a standalone DAC and use that with my tube amp.
Punish Dad with a Kindle Fire for Fathers Day
The headline says it all. If you love your dad and have $200, buy him an iPod touch. If you love your dad and have four hundred bucks, buy him an iPad 2. If you love your dad and have five hundred bucks, buy him an iPad 3.
Or give him a hand-written card and a kiss. But don’t set fire to two hundred bucks.