I switched to OS X from Windows in late first quarter 2007. I sold my Dell 17“ single-core (Pentium M) notebook and bought a 15.4” 2.16GHz Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro to replace it. I immediately started using it with Parallels Desktop 3 with XP Pro and XP Home virtual machines for work. My work requires Windows.
Parallels Desktop 3 has run fine for me since then. I’ve had the virtual machines go corrupt about three times but I always had backups. And no problems recently.
I recently jumped to VMware Fusion 2. So far, it’s been fine. I’m hoping it’ll give me better speed due to its dual-processor/core handling. I haven’t noticed a difference yet. But VMware Fusion 2 has been stable for the month or so I’ve been using it.
Now, why did I switch from Windows? The simpler answer is what kept me from switching sooner?
Reasons Not to Switch to OS X
- I didn’t want to miss my Alt- keyboard shortcuts for menu items. OS X doesn’t do them this way. I got over this quickly once I moved to OS X.
- I didn’t want to miss my second mouse button. I got used to this quickly.
- Slightly different keyboard. I adjusted. It took about a week.
- Directory Opus. Man, I still miss Directory Opus. It is the most wonderful thing about still using Windows. Path Finder, which I purchased immediately upon switching, doesn’t hold a candle to Directory Opus. In fact, I hardly use Path Finder.
- Beyond Compare 2. I missed Beyond Compare 2 for a long time after switching and knowing there was nothing like it in OS X kept me from switching for a long time. Well, I found DeltaWalker from the gracious folks at Deltopia and my pain is gone.
Reasons to Switch to OS X
- It’s really UNIX. Yum.
- Trayless, slot-loading optical drive on their notebooks. Superficial? Maybe. But important to me.
- Thin notebooks.
- No damned paint to rub off on the notebooks like on my Dell. (It took me two years to prove this expectation wrong — my MBP paint is rubbing off now. But AppleCare should cover it.)
- Borderless windows. Or single-pixel borders. Awesome.
- I was bored of Windows. I wanted a new system to explore and discover.
- Other reasons will come to me and I’ll add them here as they do.