Dillo on Libretto

Set up Dillo 0.8.3 on the Libretto today. From an RPM. Nice. Went in without a hitch!

There’s a browser with real self-esteem. It knows what it’s for. It doesn’t have designs on the throne; it’s made its OWN throne. It does what it does. And that sure helped me today on my underpowered (shame on me!) little Libby.


I saw Riddick last Saturday with Marr. Thanks for letting me stay all night and all day, Marr!

Well, my lady saw Riddick today. All I can say is, “Vin Diesel has a spell on her,” because she liked it.

The Open CD

I was introduced to The Open CD today by a Slashdot article.

The Open CD is a downloadable ISO image containing several Windows versions of Open Source projects, including FireFox, FileZilla, AbiWord and much more.

I’m going to make them stocking stuffers for my Windows-savvy friends and family this season.