Camera + Mexico

I’m seriously considering taking my nice Olympus E-10 DSLR to Mexico this holiday. I’m concerned it will get nicked, but I’m torn: I want to take great pictures.

We’re going to pick up a point-and-shoot Nikon Coolpix 3200 (3.2MP) but it won’t provide the smoothness nor manual control of my Oly.

I’ll talk to some people who know. I want to check with the family at Saturday morning breakfast on:

– The camera (whether it’s likely to get me mugged, etc.)

– Clothes to wear

– What else?

Ringing in my ear

My “new” Virgin Mobile Kyocera cellular phone has a nice feature which I’ve disappointedly found missing in all the cellphones I’ve owned to date: Ringing through the headset/earbud.

Nice feature.


I started carrying my Parker fountain pen a few weeks ago. I’m surprised it hasn’t needed an ink refill yet.