New Virgin Mobile phone a pleasant surprise

I recently broke the LCD on my Virgin Mobile Audiovox-brand flip-phone. So I was unable to navigate any phone menus. Most importantly:

– I was unable to see the prompts necessary to Top-Up my phone with a Virgin mobile retail Top-Up card; and

– I was unable to check my phone balance from the phone as the balance displays on the screen.


Well, I still have my supposedly low-end Kyocera non-flip phone (see end of my June entry) that I can use.

I took it out of the closet, plugged it in, turned it on and started navigating the menus. Boy, was I impressed with the elegence of the user interface (menus)! But really impressed! My Audiovox phone was almost impossible to use. So bad in fact that I only had one phone number saved in it–and misfiled at that.

The interface on this Kyocera KE4233 is awesome! The phone even has a white LED flashlight accessible via the button.

I cannot believe how easy to navigate and understand the menus are. And how feature-rich this phone is. The only two things I miss from my Audiovox phone are:

– The Audiovox was smaller; it fit in my Audi’s ashtray (as I discovered after I cracked the LCD).

– The Audiovox had a speakerphone feature, a feature I think is very important on a cellphone, though I admit I never used it.

This Kyocera phone was really designed. Its interface was not an accident. Interfaces like this are the result of long consideration and testing with real people.

I heartily recommend the Kyocera KE433 phone from Virgin Mobile. I also still recommend the Virgin Mobile pre-paid cellular service. I have not been disappointed.

I’m going for a motorcycle ride now.

I’m going to see The Incredibles with Judah et al around 5pm today.

The Cooler

Watched The Cooler with William H. Macy, Alec Baldwin and others. Good movie. If you’re watching it and feel like ditching it halfway through, hang in there.

Dojo run with fries

We went to the dojo last Wednesday, Chris and I. They were training so we decided to come back another day (and call first).

Ran home, rented and watched Super Size Me. Excellent independent film! Excellent as a film, independence notwithstanding. Auri watched the first half. I recommend this film to anyone who cares about their health… and everyone else too.

Judah and Josie offered to lend me the same movie a day or two before, but I left it at their house. Oops.

In the DVD special features they put an order of McDonald’s french fries in an unsealed jar with a lid. They looked like brand new (no visible rot) for 10 weeks, until the film’s intern threw them out with other food that was also being rot-tested. Ten weeks!