Saturday, Books on “Tape”

Went to the Library today. Picked up numerous books on CD:

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stphen R. Covey

Red Rabbit, Tom Clancy

How Ronald Reagan Changed my Life, Peter Robinson

The Darwin Awards 3, Wendy Northcutt

Real Estate Riches, Dolf DeRoos

Shark Trouble, Peter Benchley

Ripped two of them to MP3 and transferred to my iPod.

Also ripped some CDs including Dido’s No Angel.

Current iPod track count: 1178.

Had a lonely dinner at Pizza Hut with a $2.99 salad bar (score!), accompanied by Tim Dorsey’s Florida Roadkill with cameos by Carl Hiassen and Dave Barry.

I wish I had gone to dinner and movies with A. and her mom. =(


A nice guy on the mailing list (whom I have never met) sent me a Gmail invitation. Thanks, Emre!

Gone fishin’

My other Camaro is a Jesus.

Went fishing tonight. Stocked at a scary bait shop with a backed-up toilet. Staccato bites all over my legs, cried out like a little girl when the biggest mosquito I’ve ever seen landed on my hand. I could only stand the flying vermin for about an hour.

Didn’t catch anything, but watched the people around us pull in some saltwater catfish. Threw away the majority of three dozen (huge) dead medium shrimp. Fouled my line but good twice in a row.

All in all, had a great time! I definitely recommend fishing on Tuesdays. Try it sometime.

Didn’t add any songs to the iPod.