
I want an Apple Newton 2000 or 2100. I’m watching eBay. This could replace paper notes for me. I just need to:

– Get a web browser working (I’ve read it works if I use NIE… Newtone Internet Enabler?).
– Get it syncing with Windows (better — Linux!)
– Get it so I can install packages on it.

Then I’m set. I suppose. Hope it works out. I want to find one for < $50. An eMate is a sorry substitute (because it is larger).

Fett’s Vette

Last night I came across Fett’s Vette, a song by MC Chris who is known broadly as the voice of “Hesh” on Sealab 2021. Give him a visit.

Tonight I downloaded approximately 105 remixes of Fett’s Vette. I haven’t listened to any yet.

Fuckin Up My Christmas is an extremely funny MC Chris track. With the Talking Moose voice and Steve Martin bits.

Current iPod track count: 2017

Does anyone else remember the Talking Moose?


Signed up for Netflix last night. 3 discs at a time for $17.99/mo.

The first film will by Andrei Rublev, recommended by DennisK.

There’s a note on the Queue page that says, “Most customers add 6-10 movies to their Rental Queue during their first visit.” Our initial queue: 65 films (plus one they didn’t have —