Odd schedule

Night before last (Friday), went to O & A’s for her birthday. Stayed until 3am Saturda (yesterday). Those convincing fellows got me to have three shots on my way out the door.

Went right home and to sleep. I didn’t get drunk until I was asleep. Strange feeling.

Woke up okay Saturday morning at 10-something. Actually, not the worst sleep I’ve had this week.

Lost an eBay auction for a ThinkPad T20 PIII 700MHz. Glad I lost it — turned out the very fine print said it failed to boot.

Put my Sony VAIO Picturebook laptop up for auction on eBay. I have my eyes on a ThinkPad T42. The G series are too big and there seem to be very few people running Linux on them. Plus, running Linux on them doesn’t seem as “easy” as on the T series.

Took a nap at 5:17pm. Woke up at 12:14am today (Sunday). I guess I’ll be up for the night.