Looking for a good way to backup your Linux system?
Today I started using rsnapshot, which utilizes rsync to make very nice, incremental backups of selected directories. My first backup was 15.7GB. My next incremental backup (later the same day, today) took a lean 3 1/2 minutes.
My thanks to rsnapshot’s author Nathan Rosenquist and its contributors for selflessly providing this excellent tool which I find so perfectly suited to my own backup needs.
I’m backing up my 15.7GB of user data and config files to a 30GB IBM ATA hard drive in a CompUSA-branded IDE Ultra DMA 66/100/133 Hard Disk Enclosure SKU 309704, which I picked up locally yesterday for $19.99. The unit fits and works well. It would be better if it came with an 80-pin ATA cable.