F4i license plate installed

Finally installed the license plate on the F4i this weekend. Had to drill and mount the plate mount as the Hotbodies undertail doesn’t come precut for this so you can put the plate anywhere you like on there or not mount it under the tail at all.

JZ did all the work. It looks great. Started and finished yesterday, Sunday.


I almost ran over an aligator on my motorcycle last night. Riding back on Ozello Trail after dark, the 3.5′ long gator cut in front of me and raced across the road, its legs pinwheels. It was very cute. I missed the end of its tail by about two inches.

A little ways down the same road, the was a frog leaping down the road toward me. I felt like a log in Frogger.

F4i: First two rides report

First ride was Saturday, six days ago. Small ride to the dealership, about 13.5 miles each way. Bought that jacket that day. Okay ride, kept it under 6,000RPM with a blip up to 7.5 once. It was fine.

Second ride today. Put maybe 20 more miles on it, which is nothing but I’m not used to it and it was hot so it was enough for me.

Since I’ve now read the manual and found that previous owner did the 300-mile oil change and the bike is now out of the break-in period, I got on it a little.

Compared with my 2001 R6 (sold years ago) this was a little scary. The R6’s power didn’t scare me, though its cornering consistently did. With this Honda, the cornering is very natural and un-scary but the power is something else entirely than the R6. Probably has something to do with the sprocket tooth difference from stock done by previous owner (-1/+2).

I’m getting better at handling the bike when it’s not under power, maneuvering it onto my porch, etc.