So, Apple Watch. Huh.

Alright, here’s what happened. On the day Apple released the iPhone SE and some new Apple Watch bands (but no new Apple Watch), the guys over at put Apple Watch Sport on sale. Ugh. I’d been wanting something (okay, an Apple Watch) to remind me to stand up every hour. This pushed me over the edge. I didn’t want aluminum and I didn’t want the black finish either, whether over aluminum or steel.

So I went to Amazon. Ultimately, I found an Apple Watch 42mm (steel) with its original brown leather band for $305 shipped (no charger). I bought a 2m charger from Apple for something like $40 and I was set.

Both watch and charger arrived last night. So far, I like it.

Update: According to, my Apple Watch’s warranty expires 1 November 2016. Not bad.

Tulster Profile Glock 26 Holster, Coyote

Over the years, I’ve bought a few holsters in my search for my ideal small of the back Glock 26 holster. I’ve got a Desantis, a Blackhawk, and a Galco which lost its snap eventually, so I cut its leather flap off. The Desantis and Blackhawk holsters are thick leather, so they stick out too far, and the Galco broke. So I went looking for something else a while back. Eventually, on, I stumbled upon the Tulster Profile holster (in Coyote Brown) and I was extremely interested. The reviews all screamed, “Buy it!” So I did. Boy, am I glad I did! This holster is not an SOB (small of back). It’s for appendix or four o’clock (right behind the right hip) carry. That was a concern of mine as I’d really only been looking for SOB and thought appendix carry would a) print; and b) be pointing at my body all the time. I was half right. This thing hardly prints on me. And the draw and return to holster are effortless, though it doesn’t threaten to fall out on its own.

This thing is “just right”.

Deadpool for Valentines

My wife sent me to a solo Valentine’s Day matinee of Deadpool. Deadpool was better than every Spider-Man film. The very best line was (paraphrasing, from memory), “As if there’s something wrong with eating before sunset, or saving money.” That line made my day.