
A few days ago, perhaps a week now, I decided to start ripping my MP3s at a bitrate of 192 instead of 128. I was going to do some filesize and fidelity comparisons, but I haven’t gotten around to it.

I used to note my ripped CDs by putting a blue dot (with a Sharpie-brand magic marker) on the spine of the CD case. But now that I threw away my CD cases and moved the CDs to soft carrying cases, that won’t work. So I started putting a blue dot on the top of each disc, at the edge, at about four o’clock when I ripped them at 128kbits.

For the first few CDs I did at 192kbits, I put a BLACK dot at the same clock position. But I didn’t like that so I switched to a blue dot at about eight o’clock.

Current iPod track count: 1441


Received my BMG order today: 7 CDs.

Ripped three: Coldplay, The Cure and Bob Dylan.

Current iPod track count: 1248

My Future Sonics EM3 headphones arrive tomorrow. I can’t wait!

Spending Friday night with Pop for his birthday.

Finished Red Rabbit

Finished Tom Clancy’s Red Rabbit on CD->MP3->iPod a few days ago. Nice book. I’m a big fan now of books on CD. Knocked out one (abridged) novel in just a few evenings.

One perhaps oft-overlooked benefit of books on CD: You can “read” them in the dark, so your significant other doesn’t have to stay up with you and you don’t have to read in the living room.