Hello, iPhone Xs.

A friend was upgrading his iPhone X to an iPhone 11. He offered to sell me his. I wasn’t excited to upgrade from my most excellent iPhone 7 256, but I went for it. Then his wife was selling her iPhone Xs, too, and he called me from the store offering for me to buy that instead of his. Instead? If we’re doing unnecessary upgrades, let’s go all-in! I bought his iPhone X for my wife (to upgrade her iPhone 7 Plus) and his wife’s iPhone Xs to upgrade my iPhone 7.

My wife has been using her X for a few days and really likes it.

We sorted out the unlocking on the Xs (which took calendar days) and my wife picked up the compatible SIM for me today. I’ve had it working on cellular for about ten minutes.

So far, using the Xs essentially as an iPod for half a week, I really like it. I don’t want to go back to a buttoned iPhone.

My wife never wanted to leave her buttoned iPhone but she says she is totally happy with this buttonless X.

Hello, Sound Devices MixPre-3.

I picked up a Sound Device MixPre-3 (not the second generation) a few days ago. I’m excited. Plan to use this as an audio recorder for personal projects and as an audio interface at work to replace my very nice pair of Roland Quad-Capture interfaces. No complaints about the Rolands. I bought this to replace my Tascam DR-100 Mk II for personal projects. I don’t need the microphones on that and I don’t need it pocket-sized, so this MixPre seems like a great fit.

Hello, Nikkor 28-70mm f/2.8D AF-S.

I just placed an order for this from my favorite seller.

I was shooting a close-up live musical performance by a friend last weekend at a small venue. I didn’t like having to choose between my 50mm f/1.4 and my 20-35 f/2.8. So I decided to cover that range with one lens — the Nikkor 28-70mm f/2.8 AF-S.

I’m looking forward to its delivery in about a week.

Nikon.com page: https://www.nikonusa.com/en/nikon-products/product-archive/camera-lenses/af-s-zoom-nikkor-28-70mm-f%252f2.8d-if-ed.htm

A Flickr group: https://www.flickr.com/groups/nikkor_28-70/

29 April 2022 Update: I never use this lens. Ever.

27 August 2022 Update: I should sell this lens. Vahe agrees.