Kindle Questions

Watching a Jeff Bezos interview by Charlie Rose about the Kindle (version 1, not 2) this week, I had some Kindle questions.

  1. What sites can I browse from it? (for free) Anything other than Wikipedia?
  2. Can I email from it? They mentioned emailing to it.
  3. How much storage for emails?
  4. What happens if it runs out of space? Bezos said it’ll hold 200 books. What happens after that?
  5. Is the reading out loud any good?
  6. Lifetime guaranteed internet?
  7. Can I buy other things from it?
  8. If I lose the device, do I lose my books?
  9. Do I have to pay for periodicals on it?
  10. Can I put PDFs on it?
  11. Gutenberg texts on Kindle?