Incase Clip Case for iPhone 3G S

I went to the Apple Store in International Plaza today with a stuck key (/?) in my 2.16GHz MacBook Pro. The very helpful Genius Bar Genius ordered cleaned around my old key, ordered me a new keyboard and also ordered me a new top case panel as this one wore away the finish under my hand. Two before him had declined to replace the top case panel, saying it was cosmetic. I’d say it was a defect as the use I gave it was very reasonable. Anyway, that’s a super boring story for another time, or never.

Anyway, I’ve been wanting a belt clip case for my iPhone 3G S like the gorgeous one for my wife’s BlackBerry Pearl Flip. So I grabbed about seven possible candidate cases and checked them out. For me, the clear winner was the $34.99 InCase Clip Case for iPhone 3G S. It’s the same rubber case that is usually $30 by itself — too much for just the rubber case. But this variation comes with a nice rotating belt clip that also operates as a stand. Very nice.

This went on my phone immediately, replacing my Agent 18 Eco-Slider, which is in perfect condition but doesn’t have a belt clip. Nice case, by the way, if you want a slider. Turns out sliders aren’t for me.


iPad Printing

Apple announced the iPad two days ago.

iPad users are going to want a printing solution. I know I am. There’s no way Apple doesn’t know this. For example, what will content creators using iWork for iPad going to want to do as soon as they finish making a doc or spreadsheet? No question that it has come up. And I’m hopeful about the chance of Apple making this possible.

Why isn’t anyone asking about iPad printing yet? I expect the question will get very big, very fast at some point — certainly when people get them home and use them but probably earlier.

iPhone OS 3.1.2

I upgraded yesterday. I didn’t want to lose the settings data in my apps, such as saved login info; and I didn’t want to re-define my list of synced music. So I after the upgrade, I restored my user data from my last backup.

This is too bad because I was hoping the restore would restore my apparently corrupted carrier name string. Some Cydia app named MIM that SH referred me to blanked it out but won’t restore it to the default. [Update: This was actually a bug that was eventually fixed in a Dev-Team jailbreak or unlock, I forget which, not MIM’s fault.] And I think that creeped into some other storage/settings area the other day and caused me to not be able to send calls and text messages until I’d rebooted and mucked around with a bunch of settings. Phone was restored on reboot, IIRC, but SMS too more fiddling. What a pain in the rear.

The upgrade to OS 3.1.2 from OS 3.1 went fine. I used Pwnage to make the custom IPSW, as I did when I upgraded to 3.1.